Hi Everyone,
If you are
not able to make it to the used curriculum sale on Thursday, July 25, from 9-noon (setup at 8:00 in Trinity's fellowship hall), you are welcome to put your items for sale in a comment at the end of this message.
In order for someone to contact you about your item(s), please include the following:
- Title and grade/level of curriculum
- What subject it is, if that isn't obvious
- Your price
- Your name
- Your phone and email
To protect your email address from being hijacked, please use the following format:
your_address(at) domain (dot) com
For example, mine would be:
campbells (at) ma (dot) rr (dot) com
The first comment is for curriculum being sold by Barbara Sims.
If you ARE planning to come to the sale, please contact me with your name, and the number of tables you will need. We will use the round tables normally in the fellowship hall, unless someone specifically needs a rectangular one.
Trouble posting comments? Questions?
Contact Selena Campbell