Dear THESIS Families,
Please remember for tomorrow:
1. Children please wear gym shoes and bring water for gym.
The weather is supposed to be nice!
2. Please check the cafe counter when you get there
--Families need to sign-in (we are recording
--Check your family mailbox folder to see what's
--The draft membership directory will be out. Please
check your entry for accuracy and mark an "OK"
beside your name when done.
--Check out field trip and other sign-ups, to be sure
you don't miss out on anything.
3. If you have them to loan, please bring in magnifying
glasses for the kindergarten class to use. Label them with
your name, and you can leave them on the counter.
4. For next week, the Irresponsible Science class is looking
for empty, clean coffee cans, metal or plastic, as long as
they have the lids. Recycling at its best!
5. Bring in your Boxtops for Education tomorrow! They will
be turned in at the end of this month. Place them in a
baggie or envelope and put them in Janine Tomko's
mailbox folder (on the cafe counter).
And don't forget to be in the Kidz Church room by
12:45 p.m., for weekly announcements.
See you then!